How does booking work on LONCANI?

How it works, what to know. What to do, how to enable booking form and everything related to booking process...
Written by Stephanie G.
Updated 1 year ago

LONCANI has introduced a convenient booking system for clients. It eases both beauty experts and customers simultaneously. After publishing your listings, you have to wait for customer's bookings. These listings act as gigs, we advertise them on our site and our social media pages. These listings appeal to your customers and make them able to put an order for your products and services. How does booking work for beauty experts?

  1. Enable Booking form: LONCANI always cares expectations of the experts and clients as well. Whenever you create your listings, bookings got enables by default. But you can turn your booking off as per your requirements. In the case of off booking status, click on edit your listing and drag down to booking status. You can find a button regarding booking status on the left side of the booking area. Click and turn it on. Isn't it simple?


If you are on vacation or any other emergencies, you can turn this button off. Your offline status indicates that you are not available right now. So, whenever you will be ready to get bookings, you can turn it on.

2. Booking Settings: LONCANI has introduced an amazing feature that allows you to make customized settings for your booking. LONCANI has allowed customized settings for following:

  • Weekend price: Loncani allow users to add manual prices for weekend days. usual weekend days are busy days. People get free from their usual routines and prefer to get beauty treatments at weekends. So, you can fix customized rates for weekends. 
  • Booking fee: LONCANI allow to set specific booking charges. It is a one time fee for bookings. LONCANI suggest to set booking adequate charges by keeping competitive prices in mind.
  • Reservation expiry period: LONCANI allow beauty experts to specify their reservation period. You can set your own reservation expiry hours. After that period, a reservation will be considered cancel. 
  • Enable instant  booking: Many clients chose to book services instantly. So, you can allow instant booking. For instant bookings, you have to enable "instant booking" button. Are you ready to except instant bookings?
  • Enable price per guest: It is a usual that people make booking for themselves without specifying number of guests. LONCANI allow you to charge per guest. It will make your booking specific and convenient as well.
  • Maximum number of guests: Nobody allow its place to be rushy. It is very common that beauty experts serve in a professional way. In order to avoid messy situation, LONCANI allowed you to set a specific limit of guests.  


3. Availability: LONCANI allows beauty experts to set their availability while creating listings. It is very simple to select your working hours. You can set different working hours for all weekdays as well. It allows another feature to prescribe the number of slots available for the scheduled time. It is suggested that please set your availability with due diligence. It will allow the customer to select a perfect time slot for bookings. 

4. Booking fee, booking payments:   LONCANI has eased the beauty market. It also has introduced convenient booking and payment features. Loncani offers both online payments and pays in store. The online payment feature also divided into further two categories. A customer can pay instantly while making a booking. The customer may opt to request booking approval. After getting approval from your side, the client can pay by clicking on the provided link.

5. Booking process in the front end by customer: Sometimes customers demand bookings over the phone. Don't worry, LONCANI allows you to create a booking on behalf of your customers. It will proceed with you toward the booking page where you can make customized bookings on the behalf of your customer by agreeing to her requirements.

6. Booking cancellation policies : Each professional must set its cancellation policies according to his interests. In the event of cancellation, LONCANI will refer to the professional’s cancellation policy before taking action. In case of the services, if the provider has not established a cancellation policy, LONCANI authorizes you to cancel your reservation 24h before the booking time and will immediately process the refund after the cancellations. You must add your cancellation policy with due diligence. You must add clear instructions which a rational person can understand easily.

Ps: the booking feature is available on the paid plan. Check here our pricing table. 

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