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Ask questions to the community: Facebook group and more.

Facebook group: LONCANI owns a Facebook group with hundreds of participants. We hold a Facebook page as well. You can join our Facebook group to keep yourself update with our newsfeed. You can participate in different discussions as well. A customer or beauty expert can ask anything at any time, but we suggest you use our live chat for immediate assistance.
LONCANI VIP community:LONCANI has created a knowledge-based platform for LONCANI’s users. They can share ideas and expertise with others. We always respect and value our talent and tribute them in a significant way. This platform will introduce top-rated beauty experts here. We aim great discussions here from the experts. Here, LONCANI users can help their fellow experts by answering their queries. We will announce top visitors and problem solvers to appreciate their efforts. Join the community here
ColabSpace: LONCANI’s collab space is a platform where users can add requests, bugs, and suggestions. We believe in the family concept. That is why we respect user’s demands, requests, and ideas. Our technical team is always waiting for new suggestions and recommendations from the user’s end.