

Did You Know?

Docly turns out that context is a key part of learning.

Check out our online resources: Docs, video, template, webinar.

We have created many step by step videos, articles, webinar and listings templates to help you.

Docs/FAQs: In the help center, you will find many articles. These articles described many features of the platform. If you don’t find an answer to your question, please contact us through the live chat window. Our team will do everything to help. Plus, we will create useful details on how-to articles that will answer your query. You can access all articles here.

Video tutorial: According to researchers, the visual sources of communications are best. It is also agreed that moving objects are always attention-worthy, and they can be saved instantly in our memory system. LONCANI has created a Video Hub for videos on our YOUTUBE channel with creative videos related to beauty and well being. We will bring several video courses and introductions. It is recommended that you subscribe to LONCANI’s Youtube channel and stay tuned with our latest news. Join our YoutTube channel here.
Listing template: If you are looking for a sample of comprehensive listings, the “Templates” page is here. We have created some examples here. You can compare your listings or can get an idea of how to create a perfect list. After getting an idea from these sample listings, you can create your perfect listings.
Webinar: LONCANI is aiming to arrange different webinars on a regular base. The era of information has been changed. Online sessions and webinars are the best way of learning and knowledge transmission. LONCANI is willing to engage beauticians with live sessions regarding their fields. We also have introduced “suggest a webinar.” Where users can suggest niche and details of interesting webinars, click here to request a webinar for your specific needs.
Demo listing: LONCANI’s team has created a demo video explaining the process of perfect listings. It is suggested that before creating a new list, please follow this demo. It will help you to understand the steps of list creation. You can access the video here.