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Most asked questions with answers

LONCANI is an advanced search platform for local customers and travellers to shop for the best beauty care services with top-rated professionals, salons, spas, wellness studio, with the convenience and speed of a click of a button. Learn more here about us.

How much does it cost to add my services or my business?

The platform is free of cost to register your business and list your services & products!

How do I add my services as a beauty care professional?

You will add your services as a listing through your professional dashboard. If you are an aesthetician and you offer many services, you should list each service as a listing. Check our step by step guide here to add your services listings.

Can I get help to migrate my data from one platform to LONCANI?

Yes, we offer data migration. Our team will help you quickly started by migrating your service, your contact info, your business info from your old account to LONCANI. All this, free of cost. Visit our migration service page for more details.
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