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Tips for creating the perfect listing.

We help you start quickly with these tips. Go ahead and start now.
Listing on LONCANI is very simple and easy to create. Your listings play an important role in the development of your business and goodwill. An attractive and perfect listing appeals to clients’ attention and urge them to put an order for your services and products. LONCANI always aims to help you in the best way to create your listings.
Here, LONCANI suggests some essential tips for the creation of your listing.
1. Select the correct type of your listing.
After clicking on ” Add Listing,” three types of listings appear. LONCANI allow the listing of services, rent, and event. All of these types are explained as:
  • Services: If you are a beauty expert and willing to render your skills and expertise at your place or any other prescribed place, it can be named as beauty services. Your beauty services may include facial care, hairs care, nails care, or fitness care, etc.
  • Rent: LONCANI provides you with a chance to list your tangible assets for rent. You can rent out an aesthetic salon, workspace, shared place, and even your extra chair. You can charge an adequate amount for the use of these assets.
  • Event: LONCANI always aims to educate people about their beauty and fitness care. That is why we have created a particular category for events. You can hold training sessions for beauty, and care, host special events, and talk shows to educate the public regarding care and fitness. LONCANI also appreciates experts to engage different activities like fashion shows, makeup classes, and workshops.
2. Use of proper keywords:
Appropriate keywords always allow users to search for a specific listing easily. They also play an essential role is the ranking of your listing. LONCANI suggests the use of proper keywords while creating listings. Some keywords are most demanding, so do adequate research before using any specific keyword.
3. Accurate address:
The ambiguous address is always causing many difficulties to the clients and other stakeholders. A complete listing always possesses a precise and specific address. Try to add your address in google map. It will allow your client to follow the correct pathway to reach your workspace.
4. Showcase your perfect work sample:
LONCANI allows beauty experts to add images and videos of their perfect work done. Your showcase plays an important role in explaining your quality work capabilities and expertise. So, it is suggested that please always try to capture attractively done jobs. LONCANI allows both types of media, i.e. images and video links. Will you add an appealing media to attract your clients?
5. Details and descriptions:  
Always use correct and specific information. LONCANI always suggest using active contact details in your listings. A proper description of your listings makes it easy to understand your expertise. Always follow 7 C’s while writing the description of your listing. This means your description must be clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous. It is also suggested that follow SEO’s rules in the writing of descriptions. It will make your listing viral and ranking, which brings a high number of clients.
6. Adequate pricing and additional information:  
Rates always seem important ones while decision-making. It is highly recommended to use an appropriate pricing schedule while adding a new listing. You can control prices according to improvement in expertise and workload. LONCANI also allows you to add additional information regarding your specific working terms and policies like as cancellations and refund policies.
LONCANI has explained terms and conditions for listings. It is highly recommended that you please go through these terms and conditions. We appreciate and accept listings that are implying rules defined in terms and conditions. Our team will reject a listing violating our terms and conditions. LONCANI has provided Onboarding, videos, demos, templates, and articles regarding creating listings. Our team worked hard to facilitate the users conveniently.