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Understand the different types of bookings on LONCANI

LONCANI publishes listings for products, services, rentals and events. Clients can make booking for these listings.
LONCANI is an online platform for beauticians. The goal of LONCANI is to be the largest online beauty market, where beauticians and customers meet. LONCANI allows beauticians to create listings on its website. Listing acts as a gig, through which beauticians can sell their services online. Customers can then avail of their services by clicking on their gigs and making an appointment.

Now let's understand the different types of booking on LONCANI.

Beauty experts can create three types of bookings on LONCANI. All of these types are explained as:

Service Booking

As a beautician, you can provide your services on LONCANI. All you have to do is create listings for all your services. For example, your services may include hair care, facial care, nail care, or fitness care, etc. You can even write a catchy description and the amount you charge for your services. Once you have created listings, customers can book an appointment to avail of your services. They can either make an appointment themselves or ask you to book an appointment on their behalf. Customers can choose a date and time slot or a special hour. The booking widget will display the opening hours range in which customers can make an appointment.
To book an appointment, a customer has to visit LONCANI’s official website. Then, search for the services he/she wants to avail. Once he finds a relevant listing, he can then select the time and date on the ‘Booking’ section. Once the time and date are set, he can click on ‘Request Booking’. Service providers can either instantly accept booking or request for approval first.

Rental Booking

LONCANI allows you to rent out your tangible assets or products. For example, you can rent out a workspace, an aesthetic salon, or a shared place. Moreover, you can charge an adequate amount for the time they use your products or assets. As a renter, you can make a listing on the website for renting out their products or assets. You can mention the rent one has to pay for renting out your belongings. Moreover, you can either set a regular price or even define a custom price. Customers or users can make a rental booking via the LONCANI website. They can select a listing and, and send a booking request to host/renter. Once the renter accepts his request, the customer can be charged for the entire amount of rent.

Event Booking

LONCANI’s aim is to educate people about beauty and fitness care. That is why we allow and give the opportunity to beauty experts and fitness trainers to hold training sessions, talk shows, and special events to engage and aware the masses about beauty care and fitness. Moreover, LONCANI appreciates experts to engage the public by conducting different activities like fashion shows, makeup classes, and workshops. It also offers an online ticketing system for any type of event. As an event manager, you can add event listings and sell tickets for your event. Lastly, you can set a ticket price, start and end date of your event, and the number of tickets available. Isn’t it seem amazing?

How bookings process

LONCANIs’ users create listings for their products, events, and services. These listings act as gigs, we publish these listings on LONCANI’s listing page. Our team also publishes and boosts the best listings on our social media pages. Customers can make bookings for these listings. How different bookings process:
  • Rental booking: Rental bookings are simple. It is very easy to create a rental booking because it has a few steps. The owner can add the location of the place, media, time, and date slots. The visitor can select the time period for his visit and can request for approval of the booking. After getting approval they will get a confirmation mail and link to make payments.
  • Services bookings: LONCANI always there to glorify your look. We have arranged a team of the best beauticians and wellness experts. These experts create listings for their services. They add descriptions, experiences, media, certifications, and many more. These bookings act as their services gigs. We publish these listings on LONCANI’s portal. Our digital marketing team also publishes the best listings on social media pages. Clients can make bookings for these services. After getting confirmation from experts they can enjoy quality services.

Here is how it will appear for your customer

  • Event bookings: LONCANI always tries to ensure quality services. We are also trying our best to provide the best training sessions and products. We are going to arrange different events for beauty and wellness’ awareness. LONCANI allows individuals and companies to arrange such events. They can create listings for such events by adding details regarding such events. People can reserve their participation by making bookings for these events and sessions.

Here is how it will appear to your customer

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