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Charge Extra service or Add-on service in your pricing table

Beauty and wellness experts can customize services in sub-categories. It will help them to improve their revenue
LONCANI is always trying its best to empower beauticians and wellness experts. We are trying to advance the beauty market in a futuristic way. LONCANI has introduced a smooth process to digitalize your services and accelerate your income. We ensure, LONCANI will play an important role in improving your extra income. We always aim to glorify the beauty of the human faces. For the achievement of such aims and goals, we have to empower beauticians and wellness experts. Without getting financial empower, they can’t improve their expertise. According to researchers, monetary rewards always inspire and polish the skills levels of the service providers.

How to add Add-on service to the listing prices

LONCANI allows its users to add regular prices, maximum prices, and minimum prices. We have also added a special section for Add-on services. You can add something extra in the “ADD ITEM” section. You can add a title, describe, and cost it as per your requirements. For example, a beauty expert can charge $50 for facial treatment with regular lotions. She can charge $5 for a biologic cream. Let us clear it with another example; a nail care expert can offer nail care at a regular price. She can add more costing slabs for special nail polishes and glitters.
Let’s illustrate it for you on your dashboard to show you how you can do it.
If you charge many types of extra fees, first add a category and then add an item. If not, you can just add items.
1) Regular price 55$
2) Minimum price is 25
3) Maximum price is $99:
4) Nail Style extra or nail with a design

Charging for extra guest

LONCANI also users charge for extra guests. You can set a price per person or guest. Separate fee for guests in the case your customer wants to come with his friend or someone else but doesn’t want to make an individual booking.
You can allow specific numbers of guests per visit. To avoid the rushy situation and managing things in the perfect way, you can limit the number of guests as well.

Here is how it will look like in front of your customer when they book:

  • With extra service: so here, your customer is choosing glitters for decoration.
  • Total fee with extra service: your regular price is $55 + $5 for glitters + $2 of the booking fee that you have added. The total that your customer will pay is $62
  • Extra service + guest: your customer comes with a guest so that the full amount will be $62 + $55. The total your customer will pay is $117.
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