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Manually add a booking for customer who call you.

A few customers insist on making their booking manually at phone calls, etc. Learn how you can do that on your dashboard.
LONCANI is going to advance the era of beauty and care. We have introduced a digital platform to connect beauty experts with active clients. We also have created a convenient and efficient mode of services and product bookings. Usually, clients prefer to make the booking online through LONCANI’s booking portal. But, few customers insist on making their booking manually at phone calls, etc. Our mutual preference is not to lose any customer. So, you can make bookings on behalf of your client by yourself.

How to make a custom booking

LONCANI is not a beauty platform only but a complete package of everything related to beauty and wellness. We are trying to ease all stakeholders of the LONCANI. We assume a few customers prefer to make customized bookings. Some customers call over the phone and request to create a booking on their behalf. Such bookings can be done by following methods:

Method 1:

My web page: The first method is very simple. You have to get access to your web page by clicking on “My Web Page”. Your web page is your portfolio where you can see all of your listings at a single place.
Select the listing: After being at your web page, select the listing which is adequate to your customer’s requirements. After the selection of the right listing, put the customer’s data, and make a customized booking. Isn’t it simple?

Method 2

Whenever a customer calls and asks for customized booking over the phone call, you can create bookings for them by agreeing with their requirements. Follow these steps to create a custom booking for your client.
Home page: Get access to the home page of LONCANI by clicking on LONCANI’s logo
The home page will lead you to the user interface and will allow you to create a booking for your customer.
  • Make a search: Search to find your listing by using the required keywords. After getting your listing. Click on your listing, it will allow you to book your services or products. On the left side, you can look at the “Booking” section. Here you can select date and time as per the requirement of the client. After selection of the number of guests, click on “Request Booking”.
  • Add personal detail of client: After clicking on “REQUEST BOOKING”, you will be directed at the personal information page. Here, add the personal details of your client diligently. Ask everything which you need to make him agree. After adding personal information of your client, Click on “CONFIRM AND PAY”. That is all, and the booking is created. Isn’t it simple?
It is suggested that discuss your schedules and other terms over the phone while creating a booking on behalf of the client. So that you can approve such booking instantly. Always be just with your clients and let them know everything related to your listings and your terms. It is agreed by the researchers, to be just and sincere with your clients makes them continue their dealing on long term bases.
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