Understand the different types of listing on LONCANI
On LONCANI, you can add 3 types of listing: Service, Event and Rent. We help you understand what are the difference.
While you can add many types of listing, note that all listing must be related to beauty care and wellness service. Otherwise, your listing will not be approved.
Here is the different type of listing you will see when you want to add a listing:
Service listing: Here you can add beauty care services like hair colouring, eyelashes service, hairdressing, personal training, photographer and more. Any service related to beauty Care and Wellness!
Rent listing: Don’t let your studio space empty while you can make money with it. Use rent listing to list space. It might be a chair, a room for a new beautician or whatever you can rent.
Event listing: Do you plan an event? Related to beauty and wellness? Here you can list your event and sell tickets right away!
Pro tips: we suggest you add a listing for each of your services from beauty care to an event hosted and location renting. In this way, all your listings will have a specific keyword to rank better in the search result. Plus customers might better understand your offer.