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Find your iCal URL for calendar synchronization

Our calendar synchronization process programs allow you to export what is called an iCalendar.
LONCANI’s listing system and bookings are very simple to use. But sometimes, service providers have to arrange a booking system in a perfect way to avoid double booking has a great option for beauty expert to manage bookings through iCalendar. Our calendar synchronization process programs allow you to export what is called an iCalendar.

What is an ICS or iCal URL?

Calendar programs allow you to export what is called an iCalendar (. ics or iCal) feed URL. This feed URL contains event data (like times, dates, location, title, description, and time zone) in a standard format. Also, there is a unique identifier or “UID” for each event.

How to set Up calendar Sync with listing booking?

If your listing has any iCal feed imported, and if it does it import all dates from those feeds to create reservations in bookings table. This happens also immediately if you add a feed, and if you delete the feed it removes all reservations added from that feed. Those reservations are not visible in your Bookings form on your listing, they are just stored in the database to block available dates for your listing.
Please, refer to this article: how to avoid double bookings

How do I find the iCal URL?

To find the iCal URL for a particular calendar, find the “Export Calendar” button and click it. On the menu which pops open, select “iCal Feed,” then on the “Calendar Feeds” window, click “Get Standard iCal URL.”

How do I find my Google, iCloud or Outlook iCal URL?

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